Zuckerberg disses closed-source AI competitors as trying to ‘create God’

Sousa Brothers
2 min read5 days ago


Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has shared his vision for the future of artificial intelligence, emphasizing the importance of open source initiatives and criticizing unnamed competitors for their closed approaches.

In a recent interview, Zuckerberg expressed his belief that there won’t be a singular AI dominating the field, instead advocating for a diversity of AI developments to cater to various interests and needs.

Zuckerberg drew parallels to the tech industry’s evolution, highlighting that diversity and choice have been key in user preferences for apps, creators, and businesses. He discouraged the notion of a “one true AI,” suggesting that AI technology should not be monopolized by a single entity to serve a specific agenda. Instead, he emphasized the importance of cultural diversity in shaping technology experiences, rather than a single group dictating standards.

Meta’s latest venture involves the introduction of AI Studio software, which enables the creation of AI avatars for engaging interactions on Instagram. These avatars will offer entertainment and assistance while being clearly labeled as AI to prevent confusion. Zuckerberg criticized closed AI platforms, advocating for a more inclusive approach that encourages experimentation and innovation from a broader community.

The interview also touched upon Meta’s strategic shifts, following unsuccessful negotiations with Apple to integrate Meta’s AI into Apple’s operating systems.

Despite this setback, Meta is focusing on expanding beyond smartphones, with innovations like the Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses and future holographic displays. Zuckerberg outlined a roadmap for Meta’s product development, foreseeing a progression from display-less smart glasses to heads-up displays and eventually full holographic displays.

He speculated on potential futuristic interfaces like wristbands for neural communication, hinting at a gradual evolution rather than an abrupt replacement of existing technologies.

While acknowledging the enduring role of smartphones, Zuckerberg envisioned a future where glasses and AI interfaces streamline everyday tasks, gradually reducing reliance on traditional devices. He anticipated a shift towards intentional smartphone usage, with glasses offering more seamless and efficient interactions with technology.

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